Some days are easier than others…

I’m having a bad day.  No, I’m having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

So, today’s post is a rant.  You can choose to bow out now if you’re not keen on listening to whines and complaints from others.  I don’t complain too often, so I think I deserve this bout of crazy jibberish. You have been warned…

It’s bad enough that I’ve been waiting.  Waiting.  WAAAAIIIIITTTTTTIIIINNNGGG for these elusive e-tickets with my Visa and flight information on them so I can get out of America and over to Abu Dhabi, but…

Money is dwindling. One income that slightly tops mediocre just isn’t enough.  Especially with baggage fees and things to pay for once I arrive in Abu Dhabi.

I feel like I’m not contributing to my family because I don’t “technically” have a job or an income until I get to the UAE.  I feel like a lump of nothing.

I sleep in.  I exercise.  I ride my bike. I read.  I eat.  I feel worthless.

I can’t get a job because who the H.E. double hockey sticks knows when I’m going to be granted the golden ticket to leave.  By the time I actually find a job I’ll get the email I’ve been waiting a month for because that’s how it always happens.

I can’t drive anywhere.  Why?  Oh yea…because I sold my freaking car.  I’m at the mercy of a bicycle, Orlando public transportation (which sucks), and my Step-Mom’s car.

What’s really just put me in a stellar mood today is this fine prescription company called Express-Scripts.  I have had numerous problems with them in the past 4 years since OCPS decided they were good enough to provide prescriptions to teachers.  Today they just basically told me I was out of luck.  In the past, they have been late delivering my scripts, refused to cover emergency scripts I needed to get from a local pharmacy, and they have horrible customer service.  The worst I have ever encountered.  I can’t even tell you how happy I am to be moving to a country with better health care, insurance, and prescription coverage than America.

I hope they go out of business.  I hope their headquarters has a terrible “act of God” happen and that their insurance won’t cover them.  Take That!

You see, I did my part.  I changed my address, both online with the USPS and with their company.  However, my prescriptions were still mailed to the apartment I just vacated.  USPS, in all their fantastic shipping glory states on the tracking number that they were delivered on August 9th.  Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s September 3rd, and I don’t have what I need, AAAANNNNDDD I’ve already been deducted my copay to Express Scripts for these missing scripts.

Now, because I don’t have a job, my medical benefits expired as of August 31st.  They say because I didn’t call before then, they can’t ship me replacement scripts, or credit me my copay.

I asked to be transferred to the supervisor.  Well, I should have known about their crappy customer service to begin with.  The only “advice” this nasty woman could give me was to have them call the prescriptions in to my local CVS so that I could buy them at full price.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!  I’ve already paid you a copay and you won’t mail me replacements because my account has been inactive for, ummm… 3 whole days.  And because USPS, the most reliable governmental office says they delivered the scripts safe and sound you can’t offer me any other suggestion than that?  You won’t even give me back my copay that I paid you for basically nothing.  Pay full price??  Why?  I already paid you.  I’m telling you that I didn’t receive the prescriptions and need replacements.  That’s all.  What if I was going to die from not having these scripts?

I have no job.  I have no money except what my husband brings home every two weeks, and that’s supporting the two of us. I can’t pay full price, you idiots.

I hate you Express Scripts, and your unborn children for the headache and unnecessary anxiety you have caused me when I’m already teetering on the edge of sanity.

AAAHHH!  I need these etickets to come soon or I’m gonna crack.

I am just feeling hopeless right now.  I guess I’m getting a taste of what unemployed people feel like.  It sucks.  It’s horrible.  I’ve learned to be empathetic.  I am pretty darn patient.  I’m trying so hard to just keep a smile, but today I feel like it’s not even worth it.


Please God, immigration gods, ADEC, Nirvana Travel, and every thing else that may work together for good.  I need some sign that this is moving in my favor.